Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The most common Windows error codes

Some of the common windows error code listed below..

WindowError:001 Windows loaded. System in danger!

WindowError:002 Nothing wrong. YET!

WindowError:003 Dynamic link error. Error in all files!

WindowError:004 Random error. No real error!

WindowError:005 Windows tried to multitask. System confused!

WindowError:006 Disk error. Disk in drive!

WindowError:007 System price error. Too little money spent!

WindowError:008 Terrible error. God only knows what happened!

WindowError:009 Error code error. Error code error reported!

WindowError:00A Broken window. Be careful with the glass!

WindowError:00B Need more disk space. At least 150 mb!

WindowError:00C Memory error. Need more! Need more! Need more!

WindowError:00D Windows closed. Don't look out!

WindowError:00E Windows opened. Don't look in!

WindowError:00F Unexplained error. Tell us what happened!

WindowError:010 Reserved for future error..

WindowError:014 Non existing error. This is not happening!

WindowError:015 Unable to exit Windows. Try the door!

WindowError:016 Door closed. Try CTRL+ALT+DEL.

WindowError:017 Unfixable error. System destroyed!

WindowError:018 User fault! Not ours, not not not!!

WindowError:019 Windows deleted all files. We're really sorry!

WindowError:01A Word dosen't know the word "Chicago". Try Aug'95!

WindowError:01B You're using Windows For Workgroups. You are not a WorkGroup!

WindowError:01C Your using an old version of Win 3.11! Buy a newer!

WindowError:01D Timing error. Try again later!

WindowError:01E Error code failure! Remaining errors lost!

WindowError:01F You can't delete Windows. Windows is instaled

Friday, June 13, 2008

Resolve Windows Error Code 5 / 6 / 20 / 71

Error 5 (Invalid Procedure Call.)

1. Reinstall all Dialup and Network components.

Error 5 (Access Denied.)

1. Make sure the username and password are correct, with nothing in the "domain" field for NT/2k unless the user should have something there.

2. Make sure "accept any authentication including clear text" is dotted.

Error 6 (Stack overflow.)

1. This is a memory issue, try rebooting the computer. A cold boot might be good in this instance.

2. If a reboot doesn't resolve it, this could be a RAM or Swap file issue.

Error 20 (The system cannot find the device specified.)

1. Make sure the correct modem is selected.

2. Does the modem respond to diagnostics? It may need to be reinstalled.

3. Is RNAAPP loaded into memory after closing the dialer? If so try the RNAAPP fix.

4. Reinstall NCP/DUN/RAS.

Error 71 (No more connections allowed.)

1. Is someone connected as you? Been giving out your password?

2. Were you disconnected all of a sudden before this happens? You could be 'ghosted' on the server. The ISP can usually "bump" the 'ghost' off through radius.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Windows XP SP3 - Ultimate Solution For The Endless Reboot Problem

If you was one of the user that have accidentally installed the Windows XP SP3 system, and having this continuously reboot, you have come to the right place!

Mostly that encountered this reboot problem is the AMD-based computer with OEM images and primarily HP desktop. For those that haven't install the Windows XP SP3 system, you need to double check you computer base is AMD type or not (Most of the HP computer with a serial of part number that ended up with a 'z' is classified as an AMD-based computer).

For those that already installed, don't be panics. How can you identify the problem? Easy, if you see a stop error code of 0x0000007e, then you discovered the main problem.

Here is the step to get rid off the error code of 0x0000007e:

1. Hit the F8 key at the restart stage, right when you see the black Windows XP screen come up.

2. Next, select the "Disable automatic restart on system failure" option.

There are three kinds of options, whether:

• When you chose to boot into the recovery console option, from a command prompt, run the "disable intelppm".

• When you chose to boot into safe mode option, then you can run the "sc config intelppm start= disabled" function.

• When you chose to boot into WinPE option, you need to edit the registry manually.
This is the step for editing the WinPE manually:

1. Firstly, run the regedit.

2. After it, try to click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".

3. Then, search the File menu, and select "Load hive".

4. Is time to navigate to the "%systemdriver%WindowsSystem32Config" on the dead system, don't even forget to select the file name System.

5. Now, you can name it something you can easily remember, such as "horked".

6. OK, you need to navigate to "horkedServicesIntelPPM".

7. Please double click the "Start value" and set it to '4' as well.

8. If you had did what I did and completely destroyed things by running a disk check, then you got to navigate to "ControlSessionManager".

9. You have to open the BootExecute value, and manually clear out the autochk entries.

10. Finally, reboot the system.

I think you can now reboot your computer. Everything will just be fined.